
Mixed on Focal #1

Songs Mixed on Focal studio monitors by engineers Mike Pepe (Trio6 Be/Twin6 Be), Ryan West (Solo6 Be), Eric Stenman (Trio6 Be), Rob Tavaglione (Trio11 Be), Luca Pretolesi (Trio11 Be), Ian Boxill (Solo6 Be), Jimmy Bralower (Twin6 Be), Will Yip (Trio6 Be)

Focal / Peugeot 308

Discover our dedicated playlist to enjoy the hi-fi system of the new Peugeot 308.

Focal / DS 4

Enjoy a rich, detailed and immersive listening experience on board of the DS 4, thanks to the Focal Electra hi-fi system.
Our playlist will ensure you feel unrivalled emotion on board.


From classical music to modern hits, with a touch of French music. Experience all music genres in a unique way with DS automobiles and Focal’s signature sound.

Cooking With Music

What’s better than cooking while listening to music? We cooked up a special playlist filled with catchy songs for you to enjoy in the kitchen!

Mixed on Focal #5

Numerous famous tracks are mixed on Focal Professional monitors. Discover these songs on the new ‘Mixed on Focal’ playlist we curated. 


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